Morning Pages

So, I’ve been doing Morning Pages since October 15. It’s basically where you do three handwritten stream-of-consciousness notebook pages every day, preferably first thing in the morning, and that will help you to be a better artist. Or writer. Creative. We’ll say creative.

I am sick of Morning Pages. I will finish my first notebook in a few days (which is a LOT of pages) and I am planning on quitting there. But I wonder if I will write more without these, or less. (HINT, I haven’t been writing much AT ALL.) So Morning Pages didn’t save me from this ridiculous writers block.

Maybe the next thing will.

New idea – to blog and write fic and not worry about finishing my novel for a few days, at least. Going to the cabin we visit each year at Thanksgiving and I am fantasizing that it will give me the hard reset that I need. Hopefully.

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