critiques and things

Our Oklahoma SCBWI spring conference is drawing near. Manuscripts for critique are due in less than two weeks. We’re really gearing up with publicity efforts. And I am turning a seriously critical eye to my first ten pages. I’m reading others’ work too, and critiquing, even though I’m not sure I’m super-fabulous at it. I’m trying.

So. I wrote that first paragraph, and I wanted to find an animated gif to go with it, and I’m not finding anything I wanted. So I went through all my gifs that have usless names likeĀ tumblr_n8wwtwooV11tuo5ngo2_250 and rewrote them with better names, like hans anna love. You know. Important stuff. And none of them were what I wanted.

And I was going to write about how I’ve been critiquing for people, and I’ve asked some people to critique my new 10 pages, and how I have critique group tonight, and now, two hours later, I’ve kind of lost steam.

So here’s one of the gifs I forgot I had. This is how I’m rolling today.


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