I have arrived, world

I was interviewed for a blog a while back, and it went live today.

Writer Wednesday Interview with Regina Garvie

I think I sound reasonably competent in it, which I am extremely grateful for. But how bizarre is it that I have accomplished enough in my writing career to even be interviewed about it? It’s left me feeling a little weirded out. I mean, I’m pleased, no doubt, but it’s just odd, I guess. Like…since when am I a real writer? Surely there’s been some mistake, right?

Judi’s questions were awesome and really left me free to express myself easily. And how cool is it that she does this on her blog for people she doesn’t really know? (Well, we’re friends on twitter now, but we didn’t know each other when she decided to interview me.) And…she totally updates her blog REGULARLY. Weird, ha ha.

And…I just went to go snag a new animated gif to help express myself right now and I discovered that when I backed up all my old pics on my two hard drives and deleted things off my computer last month, I deleted those, too. It’s not the end of the world, obviously, since they’re still on the hard drives and just need to be moved back, but…I’m way too lazy at the moment to do that.

Wait. Wait. I’m not lazy. I’m just such an amazing, REAL writer that I don’t have to rely on animated gifs to get my point across. That’s it.


So check out the link, if you’re so inclined, and see if you agree. (Or if you at least agree that I’m doing a pretty good job pretending like I am.)

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