Locked out

Were you ever locked in or out? 

Yeah, so it’s almost 11 p.m. I’m sure I am sounding like a broken record with my whining about how I don’t have time to do this and it’s sooo late. Sorry about that.

Today we started homeschooling in earnest. Still almost a full week before Labor Day! Way to go, us! We also had a doctor’s appointment for Belinda and Bennett, and OCAG. So that’s what happened with my journaling today.

I wrote a poem the other day. I just felt like I had to. It doesn’t rhyme. I think it might be all this writing I’m forcing myself to do that made me want to write the poem. I wrote it on an envelope while I was outside of my hair appointment. I just had to get it down! If I ever get it out of the glove compartment I’ll try to post it.

Two year old me is not locked out of the house. But I look sort of like how I feel when I am.

Two year old me is not locked out of the house. But I look sort of like how I feel when I am.

Now to the subject at hand. It’s finally one that doesn’t have to go back more than a decade to write about! I got locked out when I was a kid sometimes – what a feeling of dread when I got home on the bus and there was no car in the driveway! It was usually some kind of mix-up and it didn’t take Mom or Dad long to get home but yuck. Sometimes we could find a window that was unlocked, and Marissa would heft me up into it, but most of the time we were out of luck.

I got that pleasure again about a week ago. I hadn’t moved my keys onto my new van keychain, so I didn’t have a house key. But that was okay because Ben knew I didn’t have the key.

Or so I thought.

I was sick. Ben had a class he was going to. I had Belinda and Bennett at home. Mom called and asked me to meet her at a gas station five miles away to pick up Lenora, who had spent the night over there. She was worried because she had company coming and didn’t want to come all the way in. I said okay and got the kids in the car, since Ben was getting ready to leave. We got home and I realized I didn’t have my key, Ben was gone, and I hoped that he hadn’t locked the door.

Apparently hoping wasn’t good enough. It was locked. And with new screens on all the downstairs windows, there was no good way to get in any of the windows, even if there was one unlocked. So we drove to Mustang and got Wendy’s for dinner. Then we drove over to where the class was, but surprisingly enough, I was not able to find the class with my limited information of “somewhere over by the airport.”

Went back to the house and we ate the Wendy’s burgers out in the yard. Then we went over to Marissa’s for a while. Then we went driving around. Then we sat in the shade in the car until Ben came home. It was so frustrating!

Then as a bonus, less than a week later IT HAPPENED AGAIN!

That time I was mad.

Ben made me a new key on his way home.

Two days after that I found my old keychain on the floor in Lenora’s room. I can only assume Belinda put them there. I put the keys on the same keychain as the van.

Now my keys annoy me because they are so big they touch my leg when I’m driving. Plus I have two unlocking things on my keychain. I really need to do something about this, but I haven’t yet.

Maybe I’ll do it tomorrow when I’m not teaching the kids or taking them to P.E. or Lenora to dance or going to the podiatrist to get a cast made of my foot for an orthodic device because my arches are falling.

And maybe I won’t!

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