Wow, the last time I wrote these was 7 days ago. A lot has happened in that time. I am obviously going to continue backdating these just to make myself feel better. But now it’s the last day of November. Belinda and Bennett are still recovering from the wisdom teeth coming out. We had the viewing and funeral for Jerry. I went to the eye doctor and we had Thanksgiving. And today we watched two good friends marry.
I know it’s in the past now, but if I had wrote this then, I would have liked to have been thankful for Jerry’s viewing and funeral. It was a very sad time, and I cried a lot, but it was also so good to see all of the photos of his life, and visit with all his friends and family. People came to talk to Mom and remind her of their pasts together, and many of our friends were there to support us and say their goodbyes.
His daughter did a wonderful job with everything. I wish again that I could have done more in the last few years, but I still feel so overwhelmed and I don’t know how much I could have really done. I do want to make sure that I don’t let go of the relationships I have with Jerry’s family, even though the half of the couple that tied us together is gone. I didn’t do as good as I wanted to before, but I can surely do better now.
As for something I am grateful now that is in my future from today, I am grateful that I went to the store today and got something for my new secret sister at church. I am grateful that I have something to put at church in the morning, and that she is going to find it and feel loved! Secret sister has stressed me out in the past, and I’ve skipped it many times before, because I think I’m not a very good one. I don’t know how our new financial hardships will affect my ability to get things for her and remind her that I’m praying for her. And what if I don’t remember to pray enough? I am just trying not to have those thoughts, and do as good as I can. But it’s difficult to not be the person I am, you get me?
Anyway, this has veered off topic. I am grateful for the two events I’ve named. I am also grateful for the day when Christ returns. I am most grateful for that.
This was a weird blog entry. I feel weird so that’s not super surprising.