
I got a response from the Highlights Foundation. They did offer me a scholarship, but it isn’t a full one, and I’m still not sure if I can make it work. Probably not. But I suppose I’ll look at our finances and see. It’s hard to justify spending more than a thousand dollars on myself when we have overdue medical bills.

I got an email from my agent with a few rejections for my novel on submission. I wonder if I should offer to do another revision. I know I need to plow ahead with my wip, so maybe I’ll wait on the offer. After all, my agent thinks it is good enough, and I trust her.

I also started taking a new medication yesterday. I talked to my doctor and therapist and took a test, and it appears I have ADD. I’m hoping this will help me focus and get back into my writing after this long hiatus. Doing okay so far today, but I’m still so busy I haven’t gotten to the novel yet, and it’s almost time for my SCBWI meeting. I think maybe I’ll reread what I’ve done and then focus on new words tomorrow.

That’s it.

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