30 Days of Gratefulness – An Experience From This Year

There have been a lot of things this year that I am grateful for. Belinda finally getting the POEM procedure and being able to swallow properly again. The second procedure in DC for the balloon dilation to break up the scar tissue. The people and organizations that helped us pay for all the expenses incurred with Belinda’s health, and all the people who prayed for us.

I’m thankful that Lenora and Ben R got engaged this year, and also married! I’m thankful that Bennett and Mia are engaged and plan to marry in January! I’m thankful that Ben has lost his job but it’s still working out so far. I’m thankful that I’ve been hosting church lunch at my house almost every Sunday and we’ve had a lot of wonderful guests and great meals.

I’m grateful that I have been doing this series of posts, even though I kept forgetting and then doing several in a day and backdating them.

I’m grateful for a lot of other things, but for now, I’m going to leave it at that. This year has been so very hard, but also it has been a blessing. I am grateful for all of it, whether I perceive it as good or bad. To God be the glory.

30 days of gratefulness – Something from Quarantine

I guess this is how you know the gratefulness calendar you’re using is fairly recent.

I’m grateful that our dog Lucy survived quarantine.

She was hit by a car shortly after the whole covid storyline began. It was bad, and it was going to cost thousands of dollars, and she was sort of old anyway, and we just couldn’t figure out how to do it financially. But then I talked to our hometown vet, and we figured out a plan, and we did have some debt but it wasn’t insurmountable, and Lucy lived. Our family stepped up and took care of her, helped her go potty, babied her with canned food and treats, built a non-slip carpeted ramp for the porch, and gave her physical therapy as she healed.

She passed away on October 14 of this year. We got to have her more than four more years. And we babied her more and were a better family to her after we almost lost her. We’re not big dog people, but we stepped up. She deserved it. She was such a good dog.

Medical eye exam

Belinda and I went to Tuttle Eye Clinic for our medical eye exams today. It’s routine for me because of the diabetes (and everything looked great, hooray!) but this was Belinda’s first (medical eye exam – she’s had regular vision exams). Her pediatrician wanted her to have it done for the Ehlers-Danlos. Everything also went well for Belinda and she tolerated the pressure test and had her eyes dilated, something she hasn’t been able to handle before. Baby girl is growing up.

I’m happy we got that done and the cardiologist appointment done that her pediatrician told us to get done back in APRIL. But at least it’s finished now!! One more thing checked off.

She still has not had to regurgitate anything since DC. Thanksgiving is in eight days. I don’t know how long it has been since she’s had a Thanksgiving where she was actually able to eat somewhat normally. She doesn’t like turkey or ham but I think she’ll enjoy the day anyway.

Thirty days of gratefulness – A Sound

So I forgot to do this yesterday, and I’m backdating it. It was a busy day, with church, and then we went to see Jerry and Dianna and have lunch there. Jerry has been on hospice and now they say his passing is imminent. He is on some heavy medications and snoozed for most of our visit. Mom held his hand most of the time, and he did look at her and he knew she was there. I know we need to visit more. I just feel like I am at my limit for what I am able to do and still retain my sanity. I feel guilty right now that we didn’t visit him enough, and I am sure I will feel even more guilty when he passes.

So, I am going to just do the sound I am grateful for quickly. It is the sounds of a little song and video that is a nice thing to see and hear when you are feeling down. It has been on the Internet for a long time, but I only found it a few years ago.

Thirty days of gratefulness – An Opportunity

Today’s prompt is An Opportunity.

I am very grateful that I am now writing again for the Tuttle Times. My friend Jayson is the editor now, and he posted on facebook that he was looking for something to write for Minco and Union City, and get paid by the story, and I commented that if he was ever looking for someone for Tuttle, to hit me up (cause I don’t want to do Minco and Union City, sorry not sorry). He did, and I’ve been doing stories them for over a month now, which is wild because it’s gone by very quickly. It’s not a lot of money but it is nice to be getting a little something. And I am enjoying getting a toe back into the local news and community scene. It’s been a long time.

It couldn’t have come at a better time, too. I used my first check to help us out during the trip to DC for surgery earlier this month. And now the second and third checks is keeping our bank account from going negative, so I am very grateful for that!

When I commented on that post, Ben was still employed with no inkling that he was about to lose his job of 28 years. I just thought it would be good to write news again and to make a bit of money at the same time. But God knew what was to come. I believe that He put this situation in place, and it will help us through this difficult time.

My triumphant return into the world of journalism, in the Oct. 3, 2024 edition.

And now you know the rest of the story.

Thirty days of gratefulness – 3 Big things

This prompt is 3 Big Things.

This is still backdated just a teensy bit. And I’m going to cheat a teensy bit and say the 3 Big Things I’m most grateful for are my children. Even though I used them as my 3 Small Things.

Because the fact is, in my heart they are 3 little things, but in reality, they are now 3 pretty big things. Lenora is married somehow. Bennett is engaged. Belinda is about to graduate high school and go to college. They are big people now, and they are doing big things, and I believe they will do even bigger things in the future.

I am so grateful that I have gotten to watch them grow up. What a privilege.

Thirty days of gratefulness – Three Small Things

I’m still backdating, but I’m pleased with this one. I don’t think I will write much.

The three small things I am grateful for are my three babies. Baby Lenora, Baby Bennett, and Baby Belinda, and the amazing adults (and almost adult) that they have grown up to be. I am so thankful that God saw fit to put these people in my life. I am blessed.

Christmas 2008

Thirty Days of Gratefulness – Something in Nature

Truth time, it’s actually Nov. 14 and I completely forgot about this project until yesterday, and then I promptly forgot again until today. I’m backdating it so it will flow properly but whatever, considering everything I am doing GREAT!

Something in Nature is the topic for Day 6.

I choose bodies of water. Isn’t it wonderful when you have a view of water? When I was growing up, my mother always wished that we had a pond on our property. My sister liked to sneak across the neighbor’s field and go to the creek near our house, and I went with her a couple of times. It was super nice to wade in the water and splash our feet into it.

And lakes are so wonderful too. To go out on a paddleboat, or fish, or even in a floatie, I have always enjoyed my time at lakes.

The ocean is magnificent, and somehow so strange how it goes all the way to the horizon. I like the ocean, but I am also a little frightened of it – of the magnitude, and the depth, and the things that lurk in the water that we can’t see.

When I was little, my parents would alwyas point out when we went over a lake or big river during car trips. I still do this for my children, even though they are grown. There’s something so lovely about serene about bodies of water.

So that’s what I’m grateful for.