This one’s extremely hard. Like…how do you even come up with something to fill this prompt?
Matter, of fact, I don’t like this one. I don’t like it because I don’t believe that I have done anything worth being particularly braggy about. I think that everything that seems awesome about me is only here because God has put it here, and it’s the Holy Spirit working in me that allows me to produce anything of value. Most of the things I come up with myself don’t seem super great, if people knew the motivation behind things and my concern that everyone will discover the truth, that I am a fraud and not a great person, when you get right down to it. Even when I do nice stuff, I taint it by thinking that I wish other people would do more stuff for me, or that it would be cool to be noticed, or even the horrid, selfish thought that even though no one is seeing this or will do a bunch of nice things for me, God sees it and I’ll have a reward in heaven AND YOU KNOW THAT IS NOT WHY WE’RE SUPPOSED TO BE FOLLOWING THE GOLDEN RULE. Like…I feel like having those thoughts probably negates all the good stuff anyway. I want my brain to just quiet down and my heart to quit being selfish and just everything work together to just do good stuff, period.
I have described this feeling before as dying and going to meet Jesus and then go I go show Him all the things I did with my life, and when I open my hands, all I am holding is dirty scraps of rags, and sand that runs through my fingers until I’m holding nothing.
And you know what else? I’m not 100% sure what personality trait even means.
I am a quitter, I’m not truly nice, I’m selfish, I’m greedy, I’m pretty foul in a lot of ways. I’m also cleaned by the blood of the Lamb, but I didn’t do anything to make that happen. Not really.
I am going to choose to be thankful for the person I am, as vile as that is, and for a God who loves me anyway. That’s really all I can do with this one.