Busy times in Oklahoma

I’ve been so busy lately. Good busy. Well, and some time-wasting busy, but we won’t dwell on that right now.

I’ve read a ton of books by Oklahoma authors – so many, in fact, that it’s become intimidating to write all of them. I suppose I need to be a grown-up and write one every day or something, then set them up to post automatically. That’d be cool. It’s funny how I used to write very regularly for the newspaper, but it’s a little different for a blog. I was the editor and reporter at the paper, so I would put everything in and then think, Okay, I’ve got a 40-inch news hole left to fill. So…my city council story needs to be 40 inches. Let’s do this thing! And I would make magic happen.

But this blog is a little more…infinite, isn’t it?

scbwi okI’m also working as publicity chair for the Oklahoma Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators’ spring conference. It’s kind of fun to reconnect with people in the media. Hopefully we can get the word out about the conference and help open doors for others who want to write for children! Lots more information about that at the Oklahoma SCBWI website. Made a flyer to hang at libraries and bookstores too. I was a little nervous, because it looks suspiciously like it was made by a writer using Open Office, but our gracious regional advisor said it was just fine. So that was happiness.

Finally, I made a press release for a friend, for her to send out before school visits. That was fun too.

Two more things on my to-do list for today. One of those was write a blog post, ha ha. Check.

Now I need to get my pages ready for critique group tomorrow night.

I’ve still got almost an hour until midnight.

Let’s do this.

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