Thirty days of gratefulness – A Book

Today is a book. Should be perfect for me. I thought about writing about all of my books – or at least manuscripts – that I have written. I could also do the Bible, which I am obviously grateful for.

I’m going to do “I’m Gonna Bury You” by Gene Neill. It’s a self-published book that I first read in junior high. My church Sunday School teacher lent it to me. It’s about a man who lived a wild life, went to prison, found Jesus, got out, and became a preacher. Every time I read this book, I am filled with faith, and hope, and excitement at the power of God!

When I was having a terrible depressive episode about eight years ago, what finally pulled me out of it was Gene’s book. I reread it, and it gave me a lift, but not like it used to do. But for the first time, I noticed he mentioned a book he read, Power of Praise, by Merlin Carouthers. And that book! That book was all about thanking God in all circumstances, whether we perceive them as good or bad. God is in control of all and it’s all working out for His glory. Like the whole, “All things work together for the good of those who love God.” ALL THINGS. Not just the pleasant things. And if we fully trust God and His plan, we should be praising and thanking him for everything!

And there it is. My heart was troubled before I started writing this, worried about finances and what’s going to happen to our family. But now that I remember to praise God in everything and thank Him, I remember that everything is going to be okay. Even if it looks bad here. Even if we lose our house, or the cars, or even our very lives, God is in control and He wins! And we can be with Him for all eternity, right there with His glory.

I feel complete and at peace again.

I am so thankful for those books!

“I’m Gonna Bury You” on Amazon

“Power of Praise” on Amazon

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