Today Bennett is the one who needs babying. He got his wisdom teeth out this morning. Our portion was higher than I thought it was going to be, because I didn’t understand the paperwork they’d gave us before, but I had gotten a credit card offer right after Ben lost his job and I thought that might be needed in an emergency and I guess this was the emergency. I’m glad I had it.
After, we went to our regular CVS in Mustang to pick up the four prescriptions. We waited in line and were next to go when the pharmacy closed for lunch, at 1:30 pm. Bummer. So we went to Walmart and I bought gauze and puddings and popsicles and things while he waited in the car. We went back to CVS and got there right at 2 pm and got in line. Then when we finally got there, they informed us that the prescription had actually been called in to a different CVS instead of the one we requested. Okay. We turned around and went back north for about seven miles to the other CVS and got in line, and eventually, we had his prescriptions in hand. The funny thing is, if I had only known they were going to call it in to the wrong CVS, we could have had the meds right away. The oral surgeon was basically across the street. Both CVS stores are on Mustang Road, so I can see how that mistake could happen.

He said he was going to go up to the car taking forever at CVS and just look in their window like this.
We parked in the lot and he got his medication. I was very glad because he’d had a few big bouts of pain, just really sharp and sudden.
By the time we got home, he was asleep, thanks to the stronger of the prescriptions. I woke him up and we went inside and now he’s on the couch, snoring.
I was going to go with Karlene to see Jerry tonight because hospice has said that his passing is imminent, but I don’t think I should leave Bennett like this. I originally thought Mia would be here when we got back because I misunderstood what she said her work scheudule was today. I don’t want to leave Bennett alone here.
I also can’t go see Jerry tomorrow because we are going to take Belinda to NWOSU for Ranger Preview. She needs to go to this to prepare for going to school there in the fall. Just attending gets her a $600 scholarship.
We’ve already made plans to go to Jerry’s on Sunday afternoon, instead of hosting church lunch here. I hope he is still with us that day.
It’s hard when there’s no clear correct answer.