I am so thankful today!
I thought I didn’t have insurance any more, but yesterday I discovered I am still covered through the 12th. So I was able to keep some appointments next week and I got another two moved so they will be next week too. I also saw my regular doctor yesterday. She was so great and ordered all the labs I would have needed. She also offered to send more prescriptions to the pharmacy, but I am actually doing okay there. I got several 90 day prescriptions filled near the end of November. Yesterday I picked up three prescriptions, and today I was able to get enough cgm supplies to last me two months. That feels good!
Belinda is doing well. She is enrolled for her last year of concurrent enrollment, and she is taking geography, non-western civilizations, and Spanish. Those classes start on Jan. 13. I got the books ordered today and found the geography book on Amazon for about $50 – the ones at the school bookstore were $225!! The other ones were a better deal at the school bookstore. Her homeschool chemistry classes also start up on the 13th, and her last semester of homeschool co-op starts on the 14th. We are in the last stretch! I still need to get her senior photos set up (we had to cancel the earlier ones because she didn’t feel well). I also need to start thinking about announcements, crazy!
Ben R and Lenora are doing great. She was so glad to be done with college and they’re planning to move back to our town this summer when their lease is finished. Bennett and Mia have been working hard getting their future home ready. The wedding is Jan. 25. The showers are on the 11th and 12th and I got my gifts ordered and gifts for Mom to give them ordered.
Right now everyone is in this house and they have been here for the whole holiday season and I am very happy about that.
And I am also VERY VERY THANKFUL for the holes in my walls! See, like two years ago we had our house rewired and they had to make some holes in the drywall and Ben said he would fix them himself to save us money. But he didn’t get around to it, which I understand, because it’s a big undertaking. But I asked him to fix one hole, the one in the stairs, for me for Christmas. With that done, I could at least repaint the stairwell and the hall, since it was the only hole. So he did that. And then the next night, he did another. And the next night, another. And they’ve just kept going. Right now he is in the dining room, getting the wall shored up better to stand against the cold north wind before the storm comes in tonight. This is wonderful because he has been very down on himself about not getting a job yet. It’s really been hard on him. But now he is singing praise songs and fixing the wall!
This is wonderful and a great testimony because I know I’ve talked about how I am trying to follow the wisdom of Merlin Carouthers and thank God for everything, even if it’s something I perceive as “bad.” So at first when Ben didn’t fix the holes, I was bothered. But after a while, I started thanking God for the holes. It didn’t sound genuine at first but I kept at it, praising Him for it even. The truth is, we don’t know what God has planned. But He does. God knew way back then that these holes would prove to be something that could lift Ben out of his funk and give him a sense of purpose and completion. He is accomplishing something very great for his family, and I believe it is helping him realize that he is fully capable, and that he can do whatever he sets his mind to.
I do believe he will get the perfect job at the perfect time. God knows. And so I keep thanking God for this job loss, and I know that everything will work out for good.
I am so blessed!