Today we went to the Ehlers-Danlos specialist in Tulsa. She was WONDERFUL and really listened to us. She agreed with the diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), and also added Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). She said Belinda also has Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) but it doesn’t seem to be giving Belinda much trouble at this time. She prescribed an antihistamine, which should help with some reactions Belinda has been having due to the MCAS.

We will go back in four months. In the meantime, she wants Belinda to see an allergist.

It’s a lot, and a ton to learn about. Fortunately, it doesn’t seem to be affecting Belinda too much. I just want to be on top of it for possible future issues.

Here’s a website with some info: The Trifecta: EDS, MCAS, & POTS

Oh, the doctor also said that while the EDS didn’t cause the achalasia, it was very possible that the achalasia was able to develope because she was at a higher risk due to the EDS.

We also went to the Oklahoma Aquarium today, and the Sapulpa Christmas Chute, since we were in the Tulsa area anyway.